Road to Road Racing (R2RR) Step-by-Step



An overview of how I got here and where I was going.



Highlights of bikes, gear, instruction, and practice at track days that spanned three years via each series.

Race Prep

Race Prep

Race gear prep, race bike prep, and pit prep.

New Racer School

New Racer School

Before you race, you have to earn your racing license. This is the process you go through to get your license.

  • Cost
  • When
  • Day 1 - Classroom with Intro
  • Day 2 - On Track and Written Test

Let's Go Racing

Race Day 1

The racing experience step-by-step. Includes my two Ultra Light Weight Super Sport races (Yamaha R3) and my Novice 600 race (Yamaha R6).


I originally started my trek in 2017 at the age of 54, to complete a dream of riding a motorcycle on a big track. When asked, I always said I loved to watch racing, but I was NOT interested in doing it myself... thinking the reason folks raced was to win trophies. As much as I would enjoy a racing trophy, I am a realist and know that my robust frame has always carried too much weight to have the speed necessary to get on a podium. So what was the turning point, that made me decide to race? Bucket list was my first answer, but it expanded to hanging out with the racing community... being able to enjoy racing from the other side of the wall. As with many of my video pursuits, I thought the racing experience would enable me to better understand the racers I was interviewing.

Episode 1


Road to Road Racing : The Video Series

This 5 episode video series spans 2017 to 2019 and is a narrated documentary, enabling watchers to get an overview of the whole story from first track days to racing. Total watch time of this collection is 1:37 hours.

R2RR Video Series
2019 Friends